my mixed scrappy feelings...
Y'know what i am still being haunted by the thought that i can not do this Google Science's not that i can not ....there is nothing that one can't i India...i think the education system applies only to train students to mug thinks up without making 'em understand things...... that is why i kinda sorta hate India a bit.....otherwise i like it.......'cause i am not a girl who finds fault with the country that let her grow in and has had a good history..........i just think that i do not have ideas to participate in the fair...that completely does never mean that i am a DORK.....but still i can not judge myself......anyways....people say to love one's self and hence i love myself (at times honestly and at times not)...

All these feelings mix up together and kill me at times....but what matters is that i prove who i am in my 12 th standard ....i am gonna top in my subjects all though i take maths group...and i will score the top marks i.e.,1200...(in Indian Metric education system)
I think i will find it hard to change from C.B.S.E education system to Metric ....but i will manage.......'cause me and my mommy think that i can do better in this system....anyways.....i think y'all would have become confused of having read this tiny little scrappy emotional diary of mine but......i think that's what the blog readers are for....ha ha.... Okay.....see ya...
i think there is no picture needed for y'all to understand this feeling as i think you can understand what i am going through. if at all you feel like wanna see a pic here it is try to match it with my feeling as it denotes education thingy.....see y'all...bye guys..
HELLO!! You shouldn't hate India! Honestly, I would love to go to India one day. Because you got a great culture and many types of food, right? India is beautiful in its way. I'm sorry about Google Science fair, but don't hate your country.