Women Unstopabble

I read a news clipping today from the New York Mirror, 1950 voicing men who support that women need to be spanked when needed and Teddy Gallei says
"It teaches them who's boss."
Really? Did some higher power tell you that you are the boss? That higher power also told you that man is the "boss" of every hecking thing in the known universe, leaving aside the fact that not women, not men, not space dogs have the slightest clue what the universe really is, right Teddy? CONTEMPTIBLE.
I am infuriated that there is such a thing called women empowerment. I mean when did women even need to ask for this? Were they always not empowered just like men did? Oh I know the answer to this, No they were not because apparently, men had gotten their hands onto the bossy rule of pronouncing every move that women had to make in the "man's world". And along the hands of time, women too were susceptible to this practice and, voila, the days turned into " I am a woman who cherishes her family, conforms to the norms of the society". Since when have 'cherish' and 'respect chauvinistic authority' started going hand in hand?
I've seen and known men who treat their female family like they mean nothing when all that the women want is their voice heard. I have no clue how their voice turns into ego pecking arguments. I have no idea how men come to see it that way. Are they just saving and dignifying the age-old authoritativeness given to them by some arse with the lowest reason.
I can't wait to see the day when stereotypes would be burned down to wicked ashes. I can not take all of the patronising like I used to when I was a child listening to Barbie songs wearing pretty frocks for the profit of Mattel. I have grown up now and I am ready for a fight. So are women like me.
Anne-Marie's Friends is playing and well well now does it kill you for being said no to?
It couldn't get any uglier from my perspective when you see the world go by with women as relatively rule-obeying, voice muffled, corner seat holders and here comes the worst part... objects that provide pleasure. Sure enough, this is not all that I see. There are women stronger, smarter than men I know working their ways into the corporate world and any facet of the world that we know of these days. But there is nothing that keeps me from wondering at what point was it okay for men to take women's rights from them in the first place? OR can both parties be equally held responsible to take the blame? I'd say both, the giver and the tainter.
Jealous much, patriarchy? Calm down now, for all I know, the time of 'women unstoppable' has recommenced.
Photo: Margaret Durow
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