Poems on happiness

        Last night, a representative-of-sorts for a publishing company got in touch with me through Instagram talking about an anthology he was putting together with other writers and I decided to give it a go! I mean getting two of my poems published seems like a nice deal for a budding writer! With that, I realised that the task will ask something of me and I am hoping to learn to get out of my comfort zone and write more and reconnect with the writer self in me with this opportunity. My first drafts seemed nothing like what a poem on happiness would talk about but after a while, with some inspiration and research and going through my old works, I got through it and brought out the following two poems.

A photo I shot on the street near my house that I feel 
matches the vibe of the poems.

Diary of a Summer child -

With the pine-scented summer breeze
the dry petals wither and the dandelions sneeze,
flowers and tall grass sway singing a happy song
for the stalled concrete world, some wish and some don't for these days to stay long,
the southern clouds make way for the Sun to shine
gardens divulge the glimmer of the dew on the vine
and as the mornings turn into evenings, the wind picks up its pace, the trees wobble 
while drop by drop the rain starts to pour for the dry earth to gobble
the kids gather around the big ol' maple tree by the ranch
each awaiting their turn with the swing on its sturdy, syrupy branch.

Childhood defines the base of happiness, after all, it is a timeline apart
a life without worry or strife, the part of life that fills up every heart
I reminisce the nostalgic memories over and over again,
for it tends to bring me profound happiness every now and then
the simple life,
the hearty talks,
the purple twilight evening walks,
there ain't nothing more I could ask for in another life
than to relive the life I was given in this one, just one more time.

 The secret book of happiness - 

At an age when I became conscious of my thoughts 
I came to read a peculiar page in the book of life,
it said, ā€œdarling girl, the secrets you seek aren't here,
theyā€™re tucked safely in a place that you most fear, 
in you.ā€

I found happiness in the cartoons I watched as a child,
time passed,
I found happiness in the friends I made at school,
time passed,
I found happiness in the people I loved,
time passed, 
I found happiness in the career that took me places,
time passed,
and when I was finally done looking for things on the outside,
I found unwavering happiness within me,
a truth that is bound to stay anchored.

I found it when I realised that the good and the bad composite the gift of life
I found it in the acceptance that I had no control over things I can't control
I found it in growth, loss and pain
I found it all in me.

Happiness to me
came with hoping, with the awareness to await it,
Of all the temporary things in this mundane life
I ask you to find true happiness within yourself and never let go of it.

Let me know if these took you back to your childhood or to your imagination nation:)


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