The manic pixie dreamgirl. She enters the life of a boy, the boy becomes the narrator, he describes her idiosyncrasies, falls in love with them, starts to fall for her which comes to say he falls for how she makes him look at life with a new perspective through the rose-tinted glass. To summarise, she enters his life, fucks him and leaves. No like, literally fucks him. But Stargirl on the other hand, since it's from Disney, has no devil's tango involved. Following the death of his father the boy's family moves to a quiet town where he meets cute alert, and they get to know each other and controversy arises in her life which means it's in his life now too and now it's solved and she leaves and somehow after these strange turn of events he, the boy finds himself, finds his voice, falls in love with himself devoid of her support or borrowing her rose-tinted glass for the first time. Time borrowed, love borrowed, the man finally finds himself before a screwed up girl enters his life and screws it beyond repair. For every manic pixie dreamgirl there's a badass bitch, I mean there's gotta be a balance in life, right?. I don't mean to sound sceptic ( I do) but this balance doesn't exactly. Why? Because life fucks you before you learn to say the word pink. Sure enough, you grow up believing in Santa Claus or space rangers but facts need to be laid down and the sooner the better for little minds to process. It's more like for every manic pixie dream girl who dreams of stars in the night sky and converses to animals and watches flowers grow, there's a girl labelled bitch who learnt life lessons a little too soon to not see life for what it is. This doesn't mean she's vile, she simply doesn't live up to the ideals of the manic pixie dream girl (MPDG) portrayed in these movies such as Stargirl, 500 Days of Summer, Ruby Sparks, Paper Towns, iOrigins and the infamous Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind. In a world where kindness is taken for weakness, surely it's hard to act nice and be the nice girl. Sometimes, a person's niceness is only for so long that they can take other's bullshit. Quirky, manic, angry? You do you! This also goes to say a few words as food thought, where them manic fairy dream boys at? Equality, bitches. Pretty generalised accusations but who cares? Now, excuse me while I resume watching Birds of Prey.
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