Associations // Marriage Story


                         Itā€™s  the dawn of a new decade now. The rain was pouring when I woke up.
I completed the other half of Marriage Story and I realised that I associated places with what I view them as in the movies when that's how I first get to know of them. The way things are portrayed is the way things are perceived by many for the most part but few questions and feel the need to venture into the world, finding the truth behind those feeling of places, things and people and I so badly want to explore the real feelings that places, things and people bring about. Some venture too deep, too fast. The wary-eyed stop and think, perhaps a little too much. And the ones who stand in the middle ground, levitate as they are, striking the balance I dare not call perfection because what role does perfection need to play in a world that is beautiful and in being that, beautifully imperfect.

Here's a crisp ode to my life so far.
           " Thank you, you've been just the way you should have been to me."

As Charlie reads the monologue written by Nicole, the evolution of their marriage seems to have begun, in such disintegrating times. Yet, the movie ends with a tone of hope and the merry, Swan Lake-like rendition by Randy Newman.
Life goes on.

This movie portrays love, tumult and relationships in a way no other movie that I have seen so far. It also shows the genius of the actors and the director. Starting from the car engine noise that you would hear while the couple decided to enact and  bring out their deep-seated emotions on how they really felt about each other in the form of a rehearsal to one of their plays to the colour-tone throughout
the movie, the movie experience with this one was a subtle Broadway play in itself.

Hope, strive forward making peace with the past while you cherish memories and continue to love - a beautiful takeaway.

Here's to hope to gently carry me forward.
           " Stay with me for you are my biggest motivation right now."


  1. "what role does perfection need to play in a world that is beautiful and in being that, beautifully imperfect"ā¤

    1. To the world for being just what it is and to us for being the beautiful beings we areā¤

      Thank you for stopping by, Harie!


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