Baked Lasagne

    Lasagne is the kind of pasta that could easily turn into comfort food while also being one of Italy's most decadent dishes at the dinner table. Who would have thunk that sheets of pasta and veggies mixed with cheese and a little oomph from sauces could be as filling and yum as the other stand-alone pasta dishes? Not me and not until today! But I also used to think lasagne was a colossal 'Spanish' mess of a dish with vegetables and sauces cooked together and that it would sit heavy in the stomach until one chugs down soda. Now I stand corrected as that before  I tested out lasagne and oh my word was it light and tasted every bit flavourful as it looked. Hereā€™s a look at my homemade baked lasagne for you to devour it virtually.


Brinjal, tomatoes, spinach and or other veggies.

Ginger and garlic paste


Turmeric powder


Mashed potatoes


Saute the ingredients with turmeric in oil on low heat.

Place boiled lasagne on the bottom of the baking tray or glassware.

Form a layer of the sauteed mix and mashed potatoes over the pasta. Sprinkle cheese after every layer. 

Repeat layering and finish off at the top with a generous layer of tomato sauce and cheese.

Pop it in the microwave oven with a combination of microwave and grill for 20 minutes at 170 C.

Serve warm and relish the juicy Italian-with-an-Indian-twist-of-spices baked lasagne!


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