Sesame and jaggery truffles


This one is strictly mumā€™s cooking.

Would love to direct you to her cooking blog but she hasn't created one yet so letā€™s dive right into my mumā€™s recipe on here until I make these myself someday soon. But in my defence, managing time before the syrupy, caramelised jaggery solidifies, that's a skill on a different level I don't think I can master without making a mess of the workplace.


Roasted sesame seeds



Melt jaggery until it caramelizes.

Pour the caramelised jaggery into roasted sesame seeds and roll them into round balls. 

Iā€™ve totally negated the use of jaggery with the powdered sugar falling through the sieve for the action shot, as I prefer jaggery to sugar due to jaggery's enriched nutrition content. But it's all fair in the photography of food because I got a mountain of magical, snowy-looking sesame truffles:)  Reminds me a little of Narnia.



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